Respect for the dead is an understatement when it comes to traditional west African faithways and diasporic spirtuality. Those that make their transition out of this life continue to be acknowledged by their descendants on a daily basis. Altar space is created to invite ancestors into the space, make offerings, petitions and give thanks. Through means of violence and persecution slavers did everything they could to force the enslaved to divest from their traditional faithways, yet till this day throughout the entire Afro Atlantic the influence of west African spirituality is ever present. This altar space includes a photo of Blanche, Josmine’s paternal grandmother, and her sisters Carmelia, Carnelia, and Ruby and their mother Mercedes Rouzan. An offering of Ezelle family fish eye peas for health and prosperity in the new year, water collected at the gods acre healing springs in South Carolina; a turkey feather gifted by the divine femmes that make up Sol Root Collective in Northern California. Turkeys represent fertility abundance and new beginnings. The plant which represents the elements of earth and air was collected from the kitchen of Myrlin Allen, Josmine’s maternal grandmother, shortly after she made her transition in August of 2022. The oyster shells represent the element of water and were collected in Galveston, TX near the site where the emancipation proclamation was read during the event that began the Jubilee celebration that we refer to as Juneteenth